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Why We Make Station-by-Station Videos | New Realm Japan

Tokyo is Big

Tokyo, as you might know, is the world's biggest city by population as of 2022, and there are so many different areas in Tokyo. Just like any other major cities in the world, each area has different characteristics and there is something for everyone.

I though to myself when I first created New Realm Japan that if I had to move to New York City next month for example, (I have never lived there before) I would want to know what each area is all about and what area best suits me for my criteria and personality.

Tokyo Has Developed & Comprehensive Public Transport

To understand Tokyo area, it is crucial to be aware that you DO NOT need a car to get around the city. In another word, the public transport such as above the ground train, subway, bus are highly developed and comprehensive in Tokyo and that is all you need to get to places.

I have been living in Tokyo for 4 and half years but I personally have never owned a car or felt like I needed one. Not once. (Also, owning a car here in Japan is such a pain in the butt but that is a whole another topic..)

That is why having a good understanding of how different train lines work, what are the hub stations are, what areas are affordable to live in etc would be a massive help for navigating through this mega city.

Tokyo is Not as Expensive as You Might Think

You might think Tokyo is expensive to live in and it is true. Some things are more expensive than other major cities in the world. (It totally depends on where you compare to)

However, because Tokyo has many options in many things such as apartments and food,

if you want to live here without breaking the bank, you can definitely do so.

You just need to know where to rent apartment in, where to shop and so on which leads to my next point.

Not Many Information Available

There are countless number of information about living in Japan or living in Tokyo on the internet, but I have noticed that most of the information available do not get into much details.

There are only few articles with specific station names come up when you search for affordable areas to live in for example.

I did say many things are inexpensive but what is not cheap here in Japan is moving.

On average, it costs about 5 - 7 times the monthly rent of the apartment, and you definitely want to be careful not to rush to make decision on where to live.

That is why we make video contents that specifically focus on each station so that you can make informed decision as you choose in which station you want to reside by.

If you want to learn more about what are the stations with good value, you should definitely check out our videos!


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